Spread Love not Fear
Hello everyone and welcome back to Franny and Zooey’s blog space. It’s been a while since we last posted due to weddings and travel! But we thought given the current climate, it’s important to share some thoughts regarding COVID19 before we share all the wonderful things that have happened to us recently.
There is no denying it! This is a scary and unnerving time we are all facing. The unknown can be terrifying BUT we must not lose ourselves in the fear. We have read too many stories now of people fighting each other over scraps of toilet paper, or stories of elderly people afraid to walk into the supermarkets in fear of not only the virus but of us - will people fight them? Get too close to them? Beat them to the items they need? This is sad. We need to be looking out for each other. We need to be checking in with each other. We need to be humane towards each other. And yes, we need to protect each other from each other, but that can be done without fear driving us to extremes.
We are of the opinion that offering support is the best thing we can be doing right now. It does not need to be face to face. It can be through letter, email, call, skype, text - we are so fortunate to have technology that allows us to connect so easily with one another. We should utlise it. If you are fit and healthy, consider taking on some responsibility by collecting food and necessities to help those who are sick or who have a high risk level. We urge you to check in with your neighbour, your friend, your mum, dad, grandparents, work colleague and spread your love to fight away the fear.
Although we personally are not in the high risk category, although we both have respiratory issues with our asthma, it's so important we look after those who are seriously affected by the virus and avoid it spreading. So here are some tips to keep in mind:
Wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds and dry them thoroughly using paper towel, hand dryer or if at home, your own towel and not the communal one.
Wipe down commonly used surfaces such as tables, door knobs, bannisters and dressing tables.
Avoid shaking each other’s hands or hugging. Instead wink, wave, bow, do a dance and come up with some of your most creative moves!
Avoid touching your face. Use your shoulder, knuckle or card to scratch an itch or wash hands before touching your face.
Cough/sneeze into your elbow or a tissue!
Practice some social distancing. Don’t stand too close to one another.
Avoid using your fingers to activate lift buttons and pedestrian crossings. Use your phone, card, hip or elbow.
If you’re sick, stay at home, relax - watch some netflix or read a book or nap. If you are sick avoid contact with others if possible.
Don’t go overboard at the supermarket. Don’t fight others. Try to share and only buy what you need. There is no need to buy 20 packs of toilet paper! Seriously.
If you are feeling vulnerable, don’t hesitate to quarantine yourself. This is your health and you should have the right to look after it how you see fit.
We personally love to cook in bulk and freeze meals - dedicating a day to cooking up some scrumptious meals and freezing them is always wise. Especially if you’re already in quarantine. It’s a good way to pass the time.
Reach out to your elderly and disabled folks and offer your support! We must come together in new and creative ways and remember to be kind.
Something to remember is - like all things, this too will pass. All we need to do at this moment is try as hard as we possibly can to stop the spread of illness. If you start practicing the above tips, you’ll be making a huge difference in the spreading of the virus. We both work in education systems and are constantly being updated on protocols. We’ll post some links below that you may find useful to read.
Lastly, we want to end on a positive note! There have been some wonderful quotes and messages posted by others on social media that we would like to share. Some happy, some thought provoking and others funny! We’ve spread some of them throughout this blog, but here are some written below:
1) WOOLWOTHS BREAKING NEWS posted 16 March, 2020:
Woolworths will open its doors exclusively to the elderly and people with disabilities for a dedicated shopping hour, after panic buying due to the coronavirus stripped shelves of essentials items.
Most of its supermarkets across the nation will open to the vulnerable only from 7am to 8am, beginning on Tuesday.
2) SBS BREAKING NEWS posted 16 March, 2020:
Woolworths is set to start offering care packages to people who are struggling to buy the essentials during the COVID-19 outbreak - including the elderly and people with disability.
3) COLES BREAKING NEWS posted Monday 16 March, 2020:
rolls out the following: A "community hour" from 7am to 8am for the elderly and vulnerable from Wednesday. Also from Wednesday supermarkets will close at 8pm so shelves can be replenished overnight. Coles is recruiting 5000 extra staff.
4) Rebecca Mehra’s story:
I went to the grocery store this afternoon. As I was walking in I heard a woman yell to me from her car. I walked over and found an elderly woman and her husband. She cracked her window open a bit more, and explained to me nearly in tears that they are afraid to go in the store. Afraid to get sick as they are in their 80’s and hear that the novel coronavirus is affecting older people disproportionately. And that they don’t have family around to help them out. Through the crack in the window she handed me a $100 bill and a grocery list, and asked if I would be willing to buy her groceries.
I bought the groceries and placed them in her trunk, and gave her back the change. She told me she had been sitting in the car for nearly 45 min before I had arrived, waiting to ask the right person for help. I know it’s a time of hysteria and nerves, but offer to help anyone you can. Not everyone has people to turn to.